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Architectural Design 2

Modern Architecture

Project 1: Diagramming Architectural Principles

This assignment will teach you how to diagram architectural principles through the process of abstracting and simplifying an idea so that it can be easily understood. You are required to investigate how architecture and spaces are created from establishing design intentions and the making of architectural elements: architectonics - solid, planes, lines and frames. The idea of using pure and diagrammatic models to express the architectural idea would be in-cooperated into this assignment.


From this assignment, I have understood how to translate my models or design intentions into diagramming. I have also enjoyed working with my group as everyone was very friendly and cooperative and got their work done diligently. My tutor Ms Alina has given us important feedback that we will be able to use in our future projects. 

Project 2: Designing with Architectural Principles + Materiality Introspective Pavilion

Now, you need to use the architectural principle(s) from the first assignment; to explore your conceptual and operational procedures in order to produce a significant gesture of architectural space(s). The architectural principle(s) that you have selected will need you to define them. You are required to explore the potential meanings and implications of this architectural principle(s) in the sense that it will inform two areas: generating forms and crafting spaces.


This assignment has helped me translate my emotions and express it into the space to as well as the diagramming like in Project 1. Ms Alina has been very helpful and her guidance has helped us with our projects.

Project 3 : Designing with Architectural Principles + Materiality + Context + User: Atelier By The Stream

For the final task, students are required to design an atelier at Wawasan Recreational Park, Puchong. An atelier in the tropic denotes ‘a structure that is designed for a pleasant living and working environment with access to nature to boost the immune system and improve psychological wellbeing. The structure should be within the built-up space of maximum 100sqm and be able to accommodate 2 people, including yourself and a family member comfortably in a short spend of time (2-3 days).


I have learned what to analyse when doing a site visit and I have also learned how to relate my space and design my space relating to the site and also relating on my user. Ms Alia has been incredibly helpful with her feedback and comments and I have learned so much from her.

© 2021 by Yaashmita. 

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