Architectural Design 4
Project 1: Site Analysis &
Design Response
This semester, students will be designing a Neighbourhood Learning Centre at USJ14 Park. The site is located within the lush greenery of USJ14 Park and is surrounded mainly by mid and lowrise residential. Students are tasked to identify, analyse, and synthesize the context into their design solution. Students will have to take note of the characteristics and needs of the community of users to expand and enrich their design solutions for Project 1C: USJ14 Neighbourhood Learning Centre.
Project 1B : Design Esquisse -
Learning Pod
Project 1B is an esquisse which deals with the understanding of materiality and environmental poetics in relation to context. In assigned tutorial groups, students will break up into smaller groups (3-4 students) and design a Learning Pod meant to serve the community to foster and nurture the learning environment within a community park in a suburban neighborhood. In a space of 3m x 6m x 3m (height), students are to propose the space and structure for learning purposes. Each tutorial group (10-12 students) is to complete three Learning Pods, themed (1) Learning through Plants, (2) Learning through People, and (3) Learning through Play. The design should take into consideration the needs of the users from the site.
Presentation Board
Project 1C : Neighbourhood
Learning Centre
Further elaborating on the explorations in P1A: Neighbourhood Park Plan and P1B: Learning Pod, Project 1C will continue with the design of a Neighbourhood Learning Centre. This project should be seen as an extension of a process of analysing and understanding the context and, particularly, the users from the
Kebun Komuniti USJ14. This project will integrate communal and environmental understanding, with further integration of materiality and learning environment concepts from Project 1B, to create a communal atmosphere centered around learning.
Presentation Board
Design Process
This semester was very enjoyable and new as we got to design a our own site and we then had to design a building on a site that we had designed. The key word for this semester was interaction - this was inspired from our site, USJ14. During our site visit, we learned that there is a barrier and lack of interaction between the users of the park and then kebun komuniti. So everything from P1A to P1C has been designed to help promote interaction. I would like to thank my tutor Ms Bashira for her constant guidance and feeback throughout this semester.