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Theories of Asian Architecture

Assignment 1: Contextual Study Sketch Journal of a Traditional Street

In this assignment, we were required to visit a site and take note of their physical contexts (religious buildings, shophouses, architectural styles and facades and markets) and non-physical contexts (traditional trades/businesses, local/traditional cuisines, historical events and social institutions). We then had to create a sketch journal based on the information we had gathered from the site visit. The site that I chose to do a site visit on was Jalan Tun H.S Lee.



This assignment was quite rough for me as it took me a long time to find certain shophouses that really show certain significant features that would have been useful and in terms of media I truly regret not exploring and having fun with it even more than I did. If I did so, then I think my sketches would look more visually pleasing. But from this assignment I have learned how to identify physical and non-physical contexts of Jalan Tun H.S Lee. It also made me understand and learn about how important it is to preserve heritage and how most ancient shophouses are being demolished nowadays and are being replaced with modern buildings.

Assignment: Infographic

In this assignment, we were required to create an infographic to demonstrate our understanding on traditional and vernacular architecture that was taught during the lectures. We had to choose which region of architecture we wanted to focus on and I chose Indian architecture. We also had to choose our theme for the infographic and I chose the scope of my infographic to be on structure, construction and materials


This assignment has been very helpful for me as I have learned how to create a professional infographic and learn on the specific requirements needed to make one. I have also had a clearer understanding on Indian architecture and on its structures, construction history and materials used in the past versus now. 

Assignment 2 : Poster and Seminar-Contemporary Issues and Asian Architecture

In this assignment, as a group of 7 we were required to research on the issues that were discovered from the observations of Assignment 1 and then create an understanding of modernity and tradition and the evolvement and Asian architecture. We then had to create a research poster and make a video based on the research we have gathered.


I have learned how to create a research poster which helped me to understand new terminologies that we were required to include in this poster such as methodology, abstract and so on. This assignment was very smooth-sailing for me as my group members were highly cooperative and they all did their best on their specific tasks. My tutor Mr. Nicholas has been very helpful and has always made time for us even when it was not the day for class. I am highly appreciative of his guidance this semester.

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